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This game is fun! Super addictive

(2 edits)

I just beat the game! Very fun. "You have completed Yazzie. Well done."

Reminded me of a cross between donkey kong (the expanding platforms), lolo (the puzzles), and bubble bobble (falling through the floors). Thanks for a great megadrive game!

Still rocks to this day!

Just beaten the game. Very cute! My little review will be on the next episode of New Game Old Flame podcast and you can watch my VOD of the playthrough here.

Here is my little tribute to your game...

oh ,thanks \0/

100% fun warranted with this platformer puzzle. Great work guys !!

ty \0/

This game is super fun!  I've only played the first 10 levels.  Reminds me a lot of Wrecking Crew for the NES (which was an awesome game).  I'm gonna play this game with my son over the weekend.  Great game!

great work!

I like it!